Classes / Event Sign-Ups
Conformation | Obedience | Rally | Agility | More
Check out what classes we are offering!!

The Oshkosh Kennel Club offers 4 Sessions of classes a year, please check back here regularly to see when classes will be starting.
Click on the class you would like to know more details about.
To reserve your class spot, click the box with the class & time you wish to Enroll in.
On the next page click on the “Enroll” button at the top right corner. Fill out the required information, then click on the “Enroll Now” button.
Orientation is required for most classes, if for some reason you cannot attend please contact the Head Trainer, special accommodation may be possible to arrange.
All standard vaccinations are required prior to admission to these classes . The vaccination Bordetella is recommended
(puppies are required to have vaccinations appropriate for their age at the start of classes).
(vaccinations are not required for online classes)
In Season Females are not allowed to attend classes, except for Conformations classes & online classes, or if stated otherwise.
Aggressive dogs will be excused from classes if the problems cannot be corrected.
Questions please email the Head Trainer: